Hybrid courses with customised e-learning modules
Our range of ready-made hybrid courses and programmes can be delivered virtually or face-to-face and incorporate elements of e-learning too. We customise them to fit your organisation’s needs and requirements and find the balance that is right for your leaders, budget, and appetite to learn.
The interactive e-learning modules help to bring the content to life between instructor-led sessions and can help participants absorb and learn the content better.
Please note, the price quoted is a guide and assumes virtually delivery.
Please browse, or filter by your challenge and/or your audience.
Sustaining Change – Virtual Change Workshop
This off-the-shelf, easy to implement, virtual change workshop is for all of your employees who need to know how to support their own change case....
Emerging Leaders, Managers
Emerging Leaders, Managers
Attract and Select Top-Talent Programme
A unique "hybrid" (instructor-led & e-learning) program with the aim to increase hiring competency over the course of 6 weeks.
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Managers
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Managers
Leading Hybrid Teams Course
A 2.5 workshop and <100mins of interactive e-learning for leaders to adapt their business style to lead hybrid teams successfully.
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders
Peer-Group Coaching Training
Instructor-led with additional e-learning to teach business leaders how to run PGC sessions without external facilitation.
Emerging Leaders, Managers
Emerging Leaders, Managers
On Request
Mastering Change – Virtual Change Programme
Instructor-led workshop and simulation with e-learning support to help leaders get people ‘on board’ with change.
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Managers
Top Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Managers
€3,350 / group of 20 participants
SHAPE your LD – HR Leadership Development Programme
2 day hybrid programme for HR/LD teams to create economical LD roadmaps and crisis plans.
Unconscious Bias – Leadership Development Workshop
3.5hr instructor-led workshop to help leaders identify biases and use tools to mitigate them.
Emerging Leaders, Managers
Emerging Leaders, Managers
ActeeChange ® – Embracing Change Virtual Workshop
Test and develop your skills in organisational development and change management.