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Do you miss grabbing a coffee with your colleagues?
For some it was somewhat of a ritual – pop down to a coffee shop with a colleague to pick up your usual and spend some time just talking.
It didn’t always have to be about work. Sometimes you’d talk about everything apart from work.
Much-needed human interaction
But what it gave you was invaluable – a human connection, a time to share, something to look forward to.
Whilst it’s more challenging during Lockdown restrictions, don’t lose out on your coffee breaks with your colleagues.
Especially now, human contact is more important than ever.
The Virtual Coffee Morning Challenge
So, here’s your challenge. This week, reach out to a colleague, contact or someone you like spending time with and ask them, “Do you want to grab a drink?”
If you have a team, you also need to challenge your team members to do the same.
Here are the rules:
- Do it virtually – we’re not encouraging you to break lockdown restrictions
- Ensure work is not discussed!
- Talk about your personal life
Better communication as a result
If you make time to do this, you will encourage more communication for yourself and for your team. It will do you all good and you will feel better for it.
At CLP we have a virtual coffee morning every month, run by a different team member and we follow the above rules. They work. We can recommend it.

Want more? Check out our blog on how to strengthen work relationships in a virtual world.
Let us know how you get on as we’d love to hear from you.